Posted on 1:31 AM

Saturday, August 9.... Canada? Crap!

By Lynette at 1:31 AM

Dang! I hate it when he goes to Canada... outrageous international cell phone rates = we don't talk!!!!

It'll be alright, I'm sure of it. So, the load gets dispatched today while he was chillin' in Pa. He decided to spend the night in Syracuse, NY so at least I did get to talk to him for a few minutes this evening.

I went onto my part time job tonight... had a blast, like always, but the weeks do get long at times. I've worked two jobs for the past year, but I do enjoy it, so that helps!

Life is bringing on so many changes all of a sudden. My youngest goes off to college next weekend. That will be a horrible drive home. I've faced some hard times in the past 4-5 years; financially, emotionally, physically... but leaving this person that I have nurtured for all these years, in a strange place, strange faces... it's going to be a challenge. I know parents do it everyday, but for this parent it will be hard.

Trapper is all of a sudden concerned about me getting bored when I join him... I don't think boredom will be a problem. I'll find something to do. I really need to find something that will generate income!! I don't like the thought of being on someone else's payroll. Big adjustment!

I've read a lot of blogs tonight and most of what I've read pertains to the relationship side of this industry. I'll post my thoughts on that subject tomorrow.

Here's the map!

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Anonymous on Thursday, January 1, 2009 at 4:27:00 PM EST  

Hi. I know this probably isn't an issue anymore but calling canada is not an "international" call.

I am from the states but living in canada and when I call my family, it is just a regular long distance call. Same thing when my family calls me up here. Your cell phone company is just taking advantage of that fact that canada is another country and most people don't know that it really isn't international anything from the states.

It doesn't have a "country code" when calling from the states, therefore, it can't be an "international" call.