Posted on 2:34 PM

Sat, Sept 8... 7 days....

By Lynette at 2:34 PM

It’s been a while since my last post. I’ve been really busy. Getting ready to leave with Trapper turned into a small fiasco… but we managed nicely. I managed to get moved, but not exactly moved in to his house. I have several boxes to go through waiting on me when we return home. But, we’ll deal with that when we decide to go home.

We left SC on Monday, Sept. 8 enroute to PA. My first road trip was right back through Charlotte, NC. I should have known. We made it to PA and were sent to GA. Again, back through the Carolina’s. We are now off of the east coast. We left GA enroute to FL and now, Saturday, we are setting in Hammond, LA trying to decide what/how we will pass a little time. We don’t deliver until Monday morning.

This week has been really educational in a lot of ways. We are learning to live together in the cab, cook, clean, and synchronize our schedules. Due to the fact our relationship has been, for the most part, on the telephone… it is really nice to be able to see him while I’m talking now.

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