Posted on 10:23 PM

Sun, Oct 26 .... North Carolina Here We Are!

By Lynette at 10:23 PM

South Carolina! We'll be home tomorrow!

Today we finished the few miles we had left and we are hanging out in North Carolina. We aren't too far from where we're delivering, so we're going to stay put.

For some reason we decided to clean the truck. The outside of the truck. The wheels, to be exact! So after 4 hours of working on them... we have nice shiny wheels!

We decided to walk across the parking lot to a Chinese restaurant for lunch... we played around outside Wal-Mart with these kiddy carnival things, and then we played around in the shoe store.

It's funny what you find to do when you're just waiting... I'm sure we were entertaining everyone at the truck stop with Barry White blarring from the truck... we forgot the windows were down!