Wow! Our time at home is coming to a close. We're both ready to get back on the road.
We did manage to get a lot of things done while we were home. Trapper spent a couple of days with his mother and helped her with a few things around her house, my son came to visit for one day, I went to visit my daughter for a day, and spent some time with my parents on my way back home. I think I traveled a little more than 700 miles while we were off. I almost forgot how to drive while we've been gone. I was even making wide right turns! LOL

We've been together 24/7 for weeks on end... it was a little strange when we went our separate ways. We adjusted though... ha, ha.
Working and living in the same space was an adjustment at first... then you go home and you're in a different mindset for about a day.
It was a good break overall. I had so many stories to share with everyone. It's hard to explain what life is like on the road...
While Trapper was visiting his mom, it gave me a couple of days to get the house in order... while I was off visiting... it gave him a couple of days to get the road house in order.
Check out our truck! It is so clean! He polished all the chrome and worked some more on the wheels (we started these in TN a week ago)... we are set!
Moving back in day!
Groceries are bought, stored away in the truck, the new inverter is working great, clothing decisions have been made and we're ready to get back to work.
Trapper said I would never get all the groceries in the truck... but I did! I was raised by parents who could pack Christmas is the back of a 98 Oldsmobile, travel 8-10 hours with 2 kids in the car and we never saw a thing!
Of course I can get the groceries in the fridge!
I really only require one thing... Dt Mt Dew... and my parents hooked me up with that!
Tuesday night, 10 pm we're headed over to the truck stop. We'll go on the board in the morning and see where we're going next...
haha thanks for visting mom.
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