Posted on 12:36 AM

Mon... Nov 16... Do You See a Regional Pattern?

By Lynette at 12:36 AM

The company we run for has been toying with the idea of going more towards regional runs (for their solo's) vs. long haul. The long haul will be more for the teams to run.

The last update we heard said the drivers would be given the choice; however, if you look at the map of where Trapper has been the past 4 days... do you see a pattern? A southeast pattern maybe?

We are not complaining, but I wish they would hurry up and make it official. This way the drivers that are being experimented on could at least enjoy the regional runs and start coming home more often. That's part of the benefit of running regional, right?

The only thing better than running long haul would be a dedicated run. Long haul works for us. We enjoy it and since we are a "glorified team"... meaning he drives and I do all that other stuff... then we can usually make pretty good time. I guess we will get used to running the southeast too!

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I stayed home this time for a couple of weeks to get ready for the holiday's and get ready to start school. School... I'm excited to get this started!